Thursday, June 1, 2017

Elder May - Chapter 57

When I read through Elder May’s letters/emails this week, I was moved and humbled by the outpouring of love that our missionaries feel from those around them when they are not at home.  I hope we are able to do the same for those serving in our area.  I am grateful for the blessing that our missionary has a senior couple missionary that looks after them and helps them when they are unsure what to do next.  Glad that all is taken care of and they can get back to missionary work.  Love him, miss him but oh, so proud of him!  Enjoy!!
Chapter 57: 

      1.      this was, without a doubt, the longest week of my mission
      2.      I forgot how to teach it had been so long
      3.      And then came the miracle  

As the first quote says, I had a long week. Blame it on the bedbugs. Monday and Tuesday was spent preparing the apartment for the exterminator to on Wednesday. Our apartment senior missionary, elder Culbertson, is an angel. Not only did he take care of the scheduling for the exterminator to come, he also paid for our dry cleaning for our suits and set up so we would be in a hotel for the night. Then disaster struck. We come back to the apartment after they sprayed on Wednesday only to find out they hadn't sprayed at all! We had all of our clothing in black garbage bags in the car and we checked the apartment, nothing was moved our sprayed. We figured out that we were supposed to prep the apartment, then call the exterminator and arrange payment and a time. We were just told they are coming on Wednesday so get ready. Elder Culbertson called scheduled everything and paid for another two nights at the hotel. This entire time we were asked not to teach so none of our investigators get bedbugs. It was a long week but as far as we know it is all fixed now. Don't get bedbugs. 

After this long time of not teaching, we had a scheduled appointment with a less active and her niece. We went by to share the plan of salvation and during the lesson I was stumbling on what to say because it had been so long! Crazy stuff. It eventually went well and I remember how to teach again.
Third, we found a temporary ride for a progressing investigator of ours and she came to church and received answers to get questions. She doesn't believe it is all true yet but she is learning and understanding more and more. She absolutely loves relief society. 

I am grateful for the blessing of having a testimony of the restored gospel. I am grateful that I've been blessed to come to the world in a time that we have all the truth. I know Christ is my savior. I know God is grateful to have each one of us come to this life with a determination to make it back to Him. I am grateful I get to be a missionary and share the most hopeful and joyous message with all who I get to meet. I love you all and am very thankful with the examples you set as Latter Day Saints because that is the main thing people notice when they mention the church, is the happy and faithful example of the members. It makes our job as missionaries much easier. Thanks for being fantastic missionaries. 

Love you all!  Elder May


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